Changes v2.2.3
Fixed bugs
Performance improvements
Changes v 2.2.29
Fixed bugs
Fixed inwisible walls
Changes v 2.2.28
Update for 1.39
Changes v 2.2.24
– New update of this beautiful Map for the update release of 1.38
Changes v 2.2.20c
Various fixes
Invisible Walls Fixed
Changes v 2.2.20
New update of this map for the official release of 1.37
This project of Sierra Nevada.
Now released for free.
New version Reforma Sierra Nevada 2.2.28
This mod remodels extensive areas in northern California and the vast majority of Nevada in the base map of ATS.
Load order;
*** (other mods, trailer, weather, graphics)
**(other map mods such as C2C, CanaDream, etc)
-Mega Resources 2.1.18
-Sierra Nevada 2.2.28
**(other Mexico maps if used)
Consider this;
-Only works for ATS 1.39
-You need Oregon, Washington, New Mexico DLC for the map to work
-Minor Urban Overhaul and US Expansion are not compatible and might cause crash. Use Minor Urban overhaul lite version.
-Google maps GPS mod causes crashes using the mod.
Official website still says latest version 2.2.29…
Fake update
it looks like FAKE because the last and current version is v2.2.29, like this file downloaded here)
This is mislabeled. It is Sierra Nevada 2.2.29
lo hacen porque se están muriendo de hambre y lo publican con un volumen superior para que lo vuelvan a descargar y ganarse unos centavos. Lo mismo hicieron con México Extremo.