All right reserved to Klaas . Please do not repost this mod.
Contact: [email protected]
Experimental mod, please save your profile or use a new profile.
Use contact adress for bugs or any suggestions.
This mod change the amount of experience that you receive for each job.
Not compatible with my economy mod. —————————————————————————————-
[ Requested mod ]
Author: Klaas
I think Knogar is in love with you the way he comments on all your posts.
Hey Klaas, very nice work. I have a question though. Do you think you can make a xp def that is compatible with this mod. . This mod makes realistic times (1.1 or 1.19 scale) but naturally if you use this a job will be around 10 to 25 minutes real time meaning you only get around 2+ XP rewards. Do you think you can make a def where the XP is equivalent to the default game so we can use this mod but also still get default equivalent XP. Maybe x20 XP? You may know.