Old mod reconverted, updated and added double trailer version.
By Siebe3D
invasor, MiguelAngel988, Crisan21, Siebel3D
Old mod reconverted, updated and added double trailer version.
By Siebe3D
invasor, MiguelAngel988, Crisan21, Siebel3D
invasor, MiguelAngel988, Crisan21, Siebel3D
Redundant rear wheel accessory removed!
00:05:28.337 : [model] Model geometry ‘/model/flare/vehicle_orang_led_l.pmg’ has incorrect file version 506d6713 – expected version 506d6714
00:05:28.337 : [model] Model geometry ‘/model/flare/vehicle_red00_led_l.pmg’ has incorrect file version 506d6713 – expected version 506d6714
00:05:28.354 : [model] Model geometry ‘/model/flare/vehicle_reddbk.pmg’ has incorrect file version 506d6713 – expected version 506d6714
I get those errors from some other trailer mods.
Great job thanks for this!!!
The game sadly crashes when I go into the job market.
No other mods used.
Please fix this – this mod looks great already!
Thank you.
– BS1
You need the DLC to use this mod.
Thank you.
Can you please make it standalone, however?
– BS1
It’s only pmg in old format.
can you change this to a scs file so i dont have to extract my 7zipp winzip and winrar broke when i downloaded a mod it would be cool if you coul release it as a scs file thanks!
Jaymie, Just change tyhe zip to scs if you absolutely feel you have to, but FYI it won;t make any difference at all in how the game sees the file. SCS is nothing more than a zip file renamed to SCS just to look cooler. When we make mods, that’s all we do is make them a zip file and then in Windows just change “,zip” to “.scs” and done.
for me works perfect,with lots of other mods installed,this is a game changer,thanks a lot for the great work,just done a video,uploading now!
finally a real american double trailer , awesome thanks
Did I need the DLC Heavy Pack or work the without it? The first trailer work, but without dolly & a trailer more. Thanks for the answer.
mod works great have over 50 other mods running I just finish a run from flagstaff
to new Orleans the problem is you have to swing real wide just to make a turn like going wrong side of the road with traffic coming from both directions but that’s trucking which happens real life but great mod fun to pull !
Video with this amazing trailers:
Test Video…
I noticed you didn’t include any video of trying to park. I wonder why? lol
Great mod, from this Sn4k3r could learn how to make mods, i hope You will continue with other trailers, this trailer is an ugly ducklin…… No offence, but there are better quality trailer.
Keep up the good work!
I assume it is because of your username.
good mod …but how do i get my trailer at walbert when it full of double trailers.
maybe a little thing to think about to solve.
Do the intelligent thing and switch the other trailers to regular ones, maybe?
Great mod!
I just hope SCS will fix some stuff like this:
Great job!
The only thing I came across was that the turn signals & hazard lights don’t work on the trailers. The brake lights work properly though.
One install note for people having trouble, I had to use an older version of zip (Zip7) to unpack the files properly; with newer versions or WinRAR it would give an error that it was not a valid file type.
Hope that helps….
Just to add some clarity here; the signals/hazards do work as long as the headlights or running lights are off….as soon as they are on the trailers signals stop
Another video with this awesome Trailer!
What good is a trailer/s that you can’t steer in reverse?
Uh … you CAN steer these in reverse. Maybe not as easily s a single, but it not only can be done, it is done on a daily basis by a great many drivers. And, it is quite fun to do.
I’m not talking about the real life trailers just this trailer. If you have any control in reverse then you’re driving a different trailer than this one. Going in reverse results in jackknife.
You can back them up. It’s called practice. There are videos on YouTube of drivers backing up double 53′ trailers. Trust me, it’s possible.
I have backed this exact mod up plenty since downloading it. And yes it is indeed this mod. It is not as easy as the Aussie trailer setup, but it is VERY possible and VERY easy to do after you practice. Like Tavi said … practice :)
Providing some video of you backing this trailer will make me a believer.
I want to like this mod. The challenge of pulling it through cities is fun. But it spawns trailers in locations where the front is not accessible to hook up, and also allows destinations which don’t accommodate the double trailers. Also, it seems to not support advanced trailer coupling.
The solution to that is to use your brain. You can just not spawn them in places too tight to hook them, and don’t haul them through toll booths. A real driver knows their routes. If one spawns somewhere inaccessible, swap it for a normal trailer. If one spawns on a route with a toll booth, switch it with a normal trailer. This is not rocket science.
There never has been an approval process here. If your comment isn;t posting, it’s user error. And judging by this post, I can definitely believe a lot of error was in play there.
the mod needs a new update and the extraction program is having some problems I can’t download it. please fix the problem thanks man.
Read my note above about zip7
Great mod, but doesn’t really spawn good…
Can you make it standalone ?
Game is trying to loas something from the DLC…
Or.. I guess I’ll wait until some else make a turn pike double…
Got it to work without the DLC but the shadows are messed up.http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198007703100/screenshots/?appid=0&sort=newestfirst&browsefilter=myfiles&view=imagewall
What file did you deleted in the mod ?
Can’t even open this file, not ready for prime time!
This is the best Double Trailer yet! It works pretty good too, All it needs is to improve the textures a little more & FPS, But it’s still the best double!!
Or try Google? My stream has plenty of episodes of not only me working with doubles, but a LOT of other streamers out there, also.
At this point we officially call your trolling, because you flat out refuse to look up any tutorials, of which there are THOUSANDS on YouTube, showing how to back doubles. No sense in sitting here scrounging up links just because you absolutely refuse to use a search function. In fact, it has been proven that you have not used a search function on any forum or video site ever. So, I guess the first thing you need to do is actually learn how to use the internet first before showing off your ignorance.
Kids these days.
This was aimed at that smiley kid. Not sure why the reply ended up down here when I hit the reply button on his troll post. Maybe even this comment thread hates his trolling :)