Founded as Gordon Fast Freight in 1946 with just two trucks, Jay Gordon started out hauling beer from Vancouver, WA, Gordon Trucking is a national truckload carrier recognized for award winning safety, service and sustainability practices in the trucking industry, Truck used is the freightliner coronado by Authors: Stas556, dmitry68, knox_xss, update – vitalik062 the skin though should work on any version of coronado and game….
Author: Fidiuss
Thank you, Fid! Your work with skins is great. ;)
p.s. : I would love to see more skins for Freightliner Colorado, if you have free time. Default skin colors sucks! :D
Thank you again and keep it up, mate!
Your welcome Stavros …if you see a company you fancy for the coronado let me know and ill try to provide it :)
LDI or Knight or Celadon or ABCO or Conway or ANYTHING! :))
leave it with me mate :)
The coronado update was uploaded Feb 23 2016 good truck. good job Fidiuss. glad to see were getting away from stock trucks again. Keep em commin.
yeh man … going to bang some units out using the coronado by Sunday maybe 3 or 4 :)
Can you make one for the Peterbilt 387 please?
Doesn’t seem to want to work for the Peterbilt 387? ( low end PC )
did you want the GTI skin for the 387 speedy?
That would be great!