Freightliner Classic XL 2

First of all, i want to thank everyone who contributed to this truck and kept it alive since the very first release. You have my deepest gratitude.

This mod is a compilation of various assets, about half of it is my original work, i spent a lot of time working on the truck (and by “a lot” i mean “A LOT”), hours and hours of tireless creating, editing, remeshing, remastering and so on. I won’t be going through all available options here and leave this to you.

In a few words: two cabins, three engine sound options, overwhelming customization. For more complete experience i encourage you to download “Sisl Megapack”, especially if you use ATS version.

Updated UV-map, had to correct some issues with midroof cabin, so i apologize paintjob makers, you should update most of your mods to work correctly with midroof option. There’s nothing i can do.

If you play ETS2 and notice crashes while in truck config menu, it may be related to missing Accessories DLC. I personally couldn’t reproduce this crash on my setup/never had any problems with it.

You can purchase it at Kenworth/Renault dealership.

Please do not reupload and respect the original link. Have fun!



31 thoughts on “Freightliner Classic XL 2

  1. Very nice truck, thanks you. Jjust this error in game log:

    [vehicle_interior_camera_u]: camera.interior.freightliner attribute up_down_default is not continuos between azimuth ranges (115.000000, 130.000000) and (130.000000, 190.000000)
    [vehicle_interior_camera_u]: camera.interior.freightliner attribute left_right_default is not continuos between azimuth ranges (115.000000, 130.000000) and (130.000000, 190.000000)
    [vehicle_interior_camera_u]: camera.interior.freightliner attribute up_down_default is not continuos between azimuth ranges (-120.000000, -30.000000) and (-200.000000, -120.000000)
    [vehicle_interior_camera_u]: camera.interior.freightliner attribute up_down_default is not continuos between azimuth ranges (-200.000000, -120.000000) and (-580.000000, -200.000000)
    [vehicle_interior_camera_u]: camera.interior.freightliner left rotation limit doesn’t have defined override

    Can you make a fix please.

    1. odd_fellow

      This is a warning, not an error. I am aware of it. It refers to “walking” interior camera and does nothing except console spam, which is bearable IMO. You shouldn’t be afraid, that’s normal for non-standard camera script.

      1. I send you fixed camera file. Strange that you don’t include it in your mod…

  2. Co-driver please

    1. I found it (stock shifter), thanks very good job

  3. Just amazing, good work:)

  4. Crash with lastest beta sadly :(

  5. There is one problem with the truck. Side sleeper windows in high cab are black from interior. Could you fix this?

  6. I miss that truck and I am sad the mod doesnt work in the Beta :(

  7. Crashes my ATS 1.5.3 when I click on the accessory customization tab. Apart from paintjob sets, I have the accessory DLC available.

    00:00:58.105 : f:\build_bot\ssd_win_slave\final_build_ats_15_windows_bin_steam_x64\build\prism\src\p3core\collections/arrays/arrays_base_impl.h(485): ??A?$array_t@Vtoken_t@prism@@@prism@@QEBAAEBVtoken_t@1@_K@Z: Index outside array boundaries.

  8. Actually, you can please ignore/not post my previous comment about the truck crashing my game on the accessories tab (along with this one). I figured it out, it was the modified Pete 389 mod I also had installed that affected/conflicted with this one. Deleted the 389 mod, everything fine now with this one.

  9. This truck does not appear in the Kenworth store

  10. Eagle_One_69

    I downloaded this mod on the release date. I’ve enjoyed driving it and all the accessories have worked. Haven’t noticed any issues and no crashes here…Thanks, great mod.

  11. I downloaded it and when i try to enter the kenworth dealer it crashes

  12. Jeremy Wenner

    Crashes with buying it from the dealer. I’ve deleted all mods so its not conflicting with anything.

  13. Does this truck not work with the new public beta? Try to enter dealership but just crashes my game.

    1. Stephen Wallace

      No, I only have this one mod and have tried it on 1.5 and 1.6 beta… crashes the beta on loading saved game from 1.5

      1. So you only have this one mod installed on 1.6?

  14. KontiovaaranJuhani

    Please, update this mod for version 1.6.

  15. since the new update the mod doesn’t work any more so can you please release a updated version so it can work and btw great mod

  16. Does not work with 1.6, can you fix this please?

  17. How do you change game versions so I can use this truck? I can’t with the newest beta. :(

  18. Is there going to be an update so it will work with the last update

  19. I really hope its gonna update at some point, miss driving my baby :/

  20. KontiovaaranJuhani

    What are you waiting for?! JUST UPDATE THIS F*****G MOD FOR 1.6!!

    1. Oi mate easy on ya words yeah

  21. thysenb33

    I wish this would be updated. This is the only truck I can find for Oversized Loads.

  22. Coalrollerlbz

    For whatever reason this repeatedly crashed my looks like I may be the only one..too bad this looked really amazing

  23. Please more for ETS2 v1.27.2.3s and 2.4s!

  24. RareThunder5814

    truck doesnt show up in the kenworth dealership which is sad i was really hoping to use the truck

    1. DriftaNicYT

      You should see something that would be named “access mod dealer” you should be able to find it there.

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