CORRECT VERSION – The 1.3.2 version of Project West. Project West is a project that adds new roads and rebuilds several existing ones in the states of California, Nevada and Arizona, with the primary state in focus being California. New 8-lane highways, enhanced vistas and scenery can be found in Project West.
Here is the album:
Includes, in addition to fixes of 1.2 and 1.3.1 issues;
– Town of Laytonville
– Town of Lee Vining
– Beginning of rebuilding project, U.S 395.
– I-15 Mountain Pass betweeen Primm and Barstow.
– Billboards and casino signs fresh-up on I-15 in Primm and Las Vegas.
– I-15 / I-10 Stack Interchange.
– I-5 / CA 56 / I-805 San Diego Collector/Local expressway system.
– New I-15 entrance to Las Vegas.
– Lots of fixes in Yosemite and problems in 1.2/1.1.
– U.S 93 “refreshed” between Las Vegas and Hoover Dam ( preparements for the establishment of Boulder City )
– I-40 alignment changes.
– White raised road markers.
– 1.6 Hotfix no longer neccessary.
– About a million sign corrections / replacements.
– Fixes from the 1.3.0 and 1.3.1 versions.
– A mile north of CA99/I-15 revamped.
Watch the project thread here:
Author: stoked_dude
is this compatible with candream and c2c and viva mexico
Crashes my game, I’ll stay with one I have for now
Witch 1 is the 1 you using bro? Because mine keeps crashing in las vegas an the truck falls through i 15…..
truck falls off the map near Primm
don’t touch this one and please report mods82, he stole hundret of mods and uploaded them, stolen mods, so don’t give him a chance to continue and report him.
Ty in the name of all real modders like stocked_dude
Well this one was actually uploaded by me
Well its keeps crashing in Las vegas an i fall through the interstate i 15………
This mod has issues…Above, Mick said he fell off the map in Primm. I fell through it coming into Las Vegas. Don’t download this mod, it isn’t worth the hassle.
That’s what you gotta expect when using several map mods. You wouldnt have any of these issues if you had a correct load order of the map mods.
I have CanaDream 2.2.1 then C2C 2.0.1 then Project West 1.3.2 if this is wrong, then what is the order? You did not list the order in the description.
Go to the Forum thread to find different map orders people use.
Well it crashes in several places…………… so fix this its getting very annoying
missing ground textures+collisions in kayenta
Crash game nevada …
still dx9_context_texture.cpp(431): ?texture_surface_simple_copy@dx9@prism@@YAXQEAXQEBX_K2W4format_t@2@22_N@Z: Line pitch can’t be smaller than line byte size!
Invisible wall near Barstow, in the right lane on the road i 40 in the direction of Arizona.