Music for ATS


– 18 Wheels of Steel: Across America & Pedal to the Metal Music To American Truck Simulator!
– Tested 1.0.0 Game Version
– Music begins only after loading maps!

Authors: SCS, Косяк_Марихуанович


7 thoughts on “Music for ATS

  1. Trucker-Bob

    Nice! Would you please make also 18 WoS convoy and American Long Haul themes in it, that would be awsome!

    1. Lone Wolf CZ

      Yeah, I loved that game.

    2. hanskazan

      please modders “SCS, Косяк_Марихуанович” make another version for ATS with 18 WoS convoy , Pedal to the medal and American Long Haul themes in it! I begg you guys

  2. Bravo!!

  3. Valvidmir

    Please mod ATS with 18 WOS Convoy, Haulin, American Long Haul and Pedal to the metal. please please please! than ur the god!

  4. BobbyCantho

    Wel.. 18 Wheels of Steel: Across America themes… are not so great as 18 WOS American Long Haul , Convoy, Haulin and Pedal to the metal. I Hope these guys will make menu mod for ATS! Funny thing is. lots of guys asking it.. but are you in the mood to do this? of it is.. PLEASE add these themes from the games what they (includes me) of the themes we want it. Thanks for in advance guys.

  5. Zach29502

    What do you mean after loading maps? maps from the game map? or f4, f3? what do u mean?

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