this is a high school dxd anime mod made by me (krizzy090)
the mod – peterbilt 389! is from / made by viper2! so be sure to download the right truck! before you post dosn’t work!
if you have a request of anime or other skins go ahead :)
krizzy090 / viper2
Very cool. LOVED that series.
Could somebody make this skin for Kenworth T680, Kenworth W900, Peterbilt 579 and SCS Peterbilt 389?
I was planing on making anime skin myself.. but if you’re willing to take requests.. could you make Rory Mercury skin for kenworth w900? Rory Mercury is from anime called ,,Gate: Jieitai Kanochi nite, Kaku Tatakaeri”. But ofc I wouldn’t mind whole crew with Itami, Tuka etc.. But Rory should look better, but that just at guess ^^
sure i will make one for you
forgot to say i currently only have a template for the peterbilt 389 by viper2 so i need to get a mod (you need a mod to use them)
i tryed a test file it crashed my game so sorry idk if i can make a kw w900 skin for you sorry
i have replaced the skin with a watermark on the back :) so no one can upload it because they will see my name on it :D i have made it my self
best regards the uploader and skin maker krizzy090!
maybe i should pass this on to my anime boss and ask her if you had got permission to use her art work
has permission to use pics and i have the skins myself as i love them
no en cuento el mod de el petelbild 389 de viper2