Got that “URGENT” west coast load that has to be on the east coast by yesterday??? (or vice versa)
Need to get it there quick and without police hindrence, interstate traffic?
The government has secret cross-country tunnels all over the US?
It’s without a doubt a private road with no AI traffic. Since it’s invisible to GPS, it doesn’t interfere with the asthetics of the main map when viewing.
You don’t have to search around to find a rest stop. Just sleep on the road!
From the creator of “Tail of the Dragon” in Coast to Coast v1.7…………..
As with anything secret, these roads are invisible on the map as well as your GPS, but trust me, they’re there.
Your GPS won’t put you on these tunnels when it plans your route. They can only be found by sight.
The west coast entrance/exit is in Las Vegas Nevada, the central midpoint is northeast of Oklahoma City on I44(Fayetteville central hub) & the east coast entrance/exit is in Raleigh North Carolina.
To find any of the entrances/exits, you can view my videos or just try and locate them yourself.
Speed limit is 110mph!
Granted, it’s a long boring ride, but you get there with a quickness!
I also included some Interstate 10 scenery replacements to C2C v1.7 in my home state of Louisiana and also Mississippi:
1. Atchafalaya basin bridge with swamp
2. Huey P. Long bridge in New Orleans and replaced levees
3. Mississippi Gulf Coast Beaches (actually US90…but who cares)
Requirements: Coast to Coast v1.7 by Mantrid
This route ain’t for pansy drivers who feel they must stop for sleep every 8 hours…..
It’s for the “BlackDog” die-hard trucker who can go the distance.
A few words of advice:
Be COMPLETELY rested & fueled before entering.
v1.0 Las Vegas Nevada to Raleigh North Carolina
v1.1 (future) Miami Florida to Fayetteville Central hub
v1.2 (future) ??????? to Fayetteville Central hub
Government Access Tunnel v1.0
Coast to Coast v1.7
Tested 1.2
Author: Rickpp
isn’t this Tunnel from StarGate TV Series if it is that cool
yes it is from stargate SG1 ;)
Glad you see you released it since it didn’t get put in C2C 1.7
Need to put a garage in New Orleans
cool.. but do u need a better Video card? isnt it enoying to play with laggs. I’m also gonna buy a new pc next month, my “Game” laptopn (Dont play games on laptop coz it unstable) and its gonna be GTX 980 TI! I’m sick of all the games I try to play with FPS Laggs.
That is awesome how you did the Atchafalaya bridge in LA. That is my home state too.
Need more fuel stations in the tunnel,I can’t make it through without running out.Also it will not let me sleep anywhere