West Wind

A card aimed at the redistribution of the old States of California, Arizona and Nevada
Completely redone the city of Ukiah
Added a garage in Ukiah
Added route 20 Ukiah – Sacramento
Real interchanges were used
Two links
1 for those who have all the dlc
2 for those who don’t have one or more dls



5 thoughts on “West Wind

  1. zu doof eine manifet.sii zu erstellen. Behalte dein Scheiß

  2. Nazijäger

    zu doof um mal auf Englisch zu reagieren. Ihr habt WWII verloren, die ganze Welt spricht kein Deutsch du Scheiß Nazi Arsch

    1. who are you just because you are German you are not nazi

  3. Ach stelletje zielepieten

    Zufall heeft wel gelijk,
    Totaal geen info hoe of wat.

  4. the guy left a #### comment in German while the guy who made the mod probably put a lot of hard work into making it, he deserves credit, not a #### comment, so yeah It’s fine to call the german piece of sh#t a nazi

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