Traffic Mod for ATS 1.5 ONLY


Mod for 1.5 only, not compatible with 1.4

What I want from this mod:
– more trucks
– more cars
– more traffic speed
– dense traffic
– not accidents
– less police activity
– less weigh stations entrance

Added 4 new traffic_data parameters.
Added compatible with Drive Safely sound mod.

Warning message
License plate slots were depleted!
may occur in some map places like Tucson, Bakersfield, Flagstaf


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10 thoughts on “Traffic Mod for ATS 1.5 ONLY

  1. muerteh650

    Hi Piva ,in the version ets2, when you put it?

    1. Today

  2. Andre Burton

    Thank you piva

  3. Spasibo piva!

  4. Simweed77

    What means not accidents?
    The Ai makes no accidents,ore i cant make an accident?

    1. I’m sorry, misprint.
      I mean “no accidents”

  5. Don’t understand why you would want less chicken coop stops, it’s a natural part of trucking in the USA.

    1. Just remove triger_action.sii file from mod.

  6. I read above you might have an ETS2 version of this?

    That would be awesome, but searching yielded no recent update for you. Is the ETS2 version of this uploaded somewhere else?

  7. Hey Piva,

    Is there any possibility to reduce the number of car?(without changing truck amount)?? Because left line on the road always busy with cars.Thank you for awesome mods:)

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