Realistic AI Lights

Brighter ai vehicle lights, so you can see them from bigger distance.
Tested in version 1.5x
This is my first mod for ATS so hope it works for you. (it works for me)
If not, remove the manifest in the scs file.
You can share with the original link and credits.

happy Trucking



10 thoughts on “Realistic AI Lights

  1. headlights look amazing!

  2. Pedro Martins

    Make it for ETS2 too.
    It’s amazing and I want it in both simulators.

  3. it is already in ets2, look for this here,

      1. Pedro Martins

        cool bro!

  4. Pedro Martins

    There’s a bug in the ATS version the turn left traffic lights (the ones with the arrow) doesn’t show anything, they are always off

    1. i will look at that.

  5. There will be a fix today, so i will close this download from now!

  6. C. Gaston

    File went nuclear!!

  7. dixiemay366


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