Pardubak’s Economy Mod ATS v1.31_26

Damage Data:

cabin wear: last cca 500 000 miles
chassis wear: last cca 500 000 miles
engine wear: last cca 700 000k miles
transmission wear: last cca 531 250 miles
wheel wear: last cca 50 000 miles

Police Data:

car crash: $200
avoid sleeping: $150
wrong way: $150
speeding (camera): $110
no lights: $100
red lights: $150
speeding: $110
avoid weighting: $300
illegal trailer: $500

Economy Data:

Added currency for Canadian and Mexican Dollar (22.06.2018 Exchange rate)

Economy Data:

– truck refund: 55%
– when you buy your own truck your salary is going raise to cca $120,- per day
($43 800,-/year) + $0.65/km revenue (in game)

Special Event Data:
– levels (Lv) for credit rise (CR):
Lv08=CR = $250 000,-
Lv16=CR = $500 000,-
Lv24=CR = $1 000 000,-
Lv32=CR = $2 000 000,-
– you can take your first loan after 10 jobs and when you will reach level 8
– first dealer is unlocked after 60 mins



Bank Data:

– period of time for bank loan repayment:
$100 000,- payed in 52 weeks (1 year, daily installment = $300,- / overpay = $9 200,-)
$200 000,- payed in 102 weeks (2 years, daily installment = $330,- / overpay = $35 620,-)
$350 000,- payed in 156 weeks (3 years, daily installment = $390,- / overpay = $73 150,-)
$500 000,- payed in 204 weeks (4 years, daily installment = $430,- / overpay = $114 040,-)

Economy Data:

– truck refund is 45% of original price
– small garage costs $100 000,-
– garage upgrade costs $60 000,-
– productivity plan for: tiny garage is $5 000,-
small garage is $30 000,-
large garage is $60 000,-
– fuel discount in your garage is 25%
– abandoned job fine is $6 000,-
– cargo damage cost is -$2,50 per 1% of damage
– cargo damage cost factor is -2% of total cost penalty per 1% of damage
– hired driver’s basic salary is cca $70,- per day ($25 550,-/year) + $0.35/km revenue
– driver hire cost is $1 500,-
– skill distance limits have been changed
– when you buy your own truck your salary is going raise to cca $120,- per day
($43 800,-/year) + $0.75/km revenue

Experience Bonuses:
– XP damage cost is -3XP per 1% of cargo damage
– XP damage cost factor is -2% of total XP per 1% of cargo damage

Special Event Data:

– you can take your first loan after 20 jobs
– levels (Lv) for credit rise (CR):
Lv5=CR = $130 000,-
Lv10=CR = $500 000,-
Lv15=CR = $1 000 000,-
Lv20=CR = $1 500 000,-
– first dealer is unlocked after 30 mins

Pardubak and SCS. Picture is from Alexas_Fotos


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