Improved truck physics 2.1

1. More realistic cabin movement;
2. More realistic truck and trailer suspension;
3. User can loose control over the truck and trailer because of more realistic tyre and sway-bar settings;
4. Truck will accelerating and braking slower;
5. More driver body movement during driving and various manoeuvres;
6. More realistic engine/transmission/clutch settings;
7. It is harder to control the truck. Steering is not so arcade and easy;
8. New windshield wipers modes.

Installation instructions:
1. Extract all files from downloaded rar-archive to some temp folder;
2. Based on control device you use to play ATS (keyboard or steering wheel) and desired cabin movement (soft/normal), copy desired physics mod to MOD folder and enable it in Mod manager with lower priority, than truck/trailer mod (to avoid possible conflicts);
3. Play!
I very recommend to use gameplay and controls settings from provided jpg screenshots for better experience from this physics mod.

Supported trucks list:
Mod support all trucks and trailers, but full support available only for trucks and trailers from vanilla game version.
Other truck/trailer mods can be adapted manually (see section “truck/trailer mod adaptation”).
Important: you still can use this physics with truck/trailer mods without any adaptation, but in this case, chassis and cab suspensions behavior will not be exactly as planned by mod…

AlexeyP, SCS Software


2 thoughts on “Improved truck physics 2.1

  1. #ats diego

    para q version del juego y a cuantos camiones se adapta

  2. jorgent97

    Hd video 1.29..

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