This pack contains various “I Support Single Moms” mud flaps for entertainment purposes which will allow you to customize your truck in a more traditional way!
Tested Compatible Game Version(s):
Version 1.7 – 25/04/16:
* Pack in zip format for Steam Workshop version
* Adjust price of “Bambi Standard” for the W900 short chassis
* Recreate all menu item icons to ensure they are correct width and height
* Recreate “Destiny” mudflaps to make them look much better.
* Adjust text on “Raven” mudflaps for Kenworth W900 to make it a bit larger
* New Item! Include new flap “Sapphire” for all trucks!
* New Item! Include new flap “Dallas” for all trucks!
* New Item! Include new flap “Blaze” for all trucks!
* New Item! Include new flap “Trixie” for all trucks!
Author: BlackBloodRum