This mod adds 22 types of wallpaper to the phone with a watch. There are also two options for dynamically changing wallpapers (depends on the percentage of fuel level, in two variants – more often and less often).
No changes to trucks or phone – everything is default.
This mod requires the Toys DLC to work!
Why do you KEEP uploading the wrong file! SMDH!
Probably because it’s not Knox who uploads these.
Knox’s mod is on the forum and it’s download link leads to the correct mod, which has their name as the uploader.
This one, Leads to an ”unknown” person who uploaded it with the wrong folder.
Just get it from the actual author on the forum in stead of here.
Well this person did add a correct link for this ATS version on another site in comments and I did go download the zip file from the forum you speak of and I also have this same mod in ETS2, so there, the mod clock is running and working and a 24H format for the clock is proper for Europe, however this ATS version 1st off should be set in a 12H format for America and 2nd the clock is not running in ATS like it does in ETS2 for me, so calling this a “update” for ATS is BS to me, looks nice in my truck but these “Hours” in title do not work for me.
The links on this site, as well as the ETS2 version of this site,
do not match the link that Knox posted on his threat on the forums.
Both of these links also lead to an uploader named ”Anonymous” while Knox’s link on the forum leads to the mod being uploaded by Knox.
So no. This person isn’t Knox.
There for, complaining about his mod on here, isn’t even going to be seen by Knox.
Knox doesn’t upload mods under names such as ”Anonymous”.
When it comes down to the time. Just set the in-game clock to the 12h system and it’s working just fine. You’re just complaining about things that aren’t even a problem at this point, And to a person who didn’t even make the mod. So you’re wasting your own time here.
If you have problems with the mod. Comment on Knox’s forum threat.
Knox isn’t going to see your complaints here. As this isn’t uploaded by Knox.
I just told you I downloaded the one from Knox and it does not work right in ATS either……so your also wasting your breath here, as well as me.
And for the record, KNOX has never made this mode for ATS in first place, if you search this mod in the forum Knox only has a ETS2 version on this mod, he has NOT done this mod for ATS in the 1st place, you lil cheerleaders online get on my nevers offering advice in comments you wern’t asked for, my 1st posted here was for one person, the person who uploaded this saying it’s for ATS, not YOU “The_One_Over_There” it NOT a mod for ATS it’s a ETS2 mod, and for the record I live in America so I don’t have to change time format, everything in my PC is in 12H format so what are talking bout and why would I when………THE CLOCK DON’T WORK ANYWAY….THAT’S THE WHOLE PROBLEM….THE MOD SHOWS UP IN SIM BUT THE CLOCK DON’T WORK…..dahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
I said ”the in-game clock”.
Never have i ever said anything about your whole system.
But suit it yourself than.
and it works fine for in ATS on my side. As well as plenty other people from what i’ve seen.
So it not working isn’t Knox’s fault.