carrozas batalla de flores águila

These moods were created for the Batalla de Flores Aguila in Barranquilla’s carnival, one of the most important parades in Colombia and the world. where thousands of floats come out and parade to revive the barranquilla traditions. Here is the file for you to download the moods and play around with your favorite floats in any American /Euro map truck simulator. Together we can bring the parade’s joy to anywhere in the world. Remember to use #BatallaDeFloresAguila in your livestreams. Let the battle, begins! 🎉🎊💛💙❤️

cerveza aguila

DOWNLOAD 371 MB [Mirror]

4 thoughts on “carrozas batalla de flores águila

  1. cool idea !

  2. ###

  3. Hello there showcase this mod with all skins and Test drive HD :

  4. 1. You must have the Ats2 or Ets2 game installed on your laptop.
    2. This is the link you will need to download the mods and floats  to use within the game
    3: You should place this file in the folder Documents / ATS / MODS / …
    4. Done! You can now join our online parade and be part of the #CarnivalSimulator

    1. Tienen que tener el juego Ats2 o Ets2 instalado en su PC.
    2. Acá les dejamos los mods de las carrozas para que los usen
    3: Deberán colocar este archivo en la carpeta Documentos /ATS/MODS/…
    4. Listo! Ya pueden unirse a nuestro desfile online y ser parte de la #CarnivalSimulator

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