Brutal HD Reworked Lite Edition By BLiNKT
Mod based on Brutal Engine HD By Stewen but with some chnages and icluded soem new files
Removed all trucks and trailer and companys
Removed loading pictures
Removed environment sounds (you can use another one)
Removed other few texture
Replaced few texture with new one
Added weather & skybox textures by Piva
Added completely new flares
Other small chnages
TESTED ONLY ON ATS 1.3.x and work fine without any crash
You may find an error in game.log about textures or missing something but this not crash your game or drop fps
Thanks to all authors Stewen and Piva
Authors: Stewen, Piva, BLiNKT
Your wetaher look very dark in my opinon.
Thanks for this mod. make it possible to (as in the brutal former hd) just the rims and tires tunning I love them! thanks in advance and nice work guys!
güzel ama harita tam görükmüyor iş alırken gidecegin yer gözükmüyor düzeltersenin seveniriz
Piva skybox looks terrible at night, SCS original version is a million times better !!!