Additional AI Drivers for ATS

This mod adds new AI drivers for hiring, a total of 1900 drivers taking into account those already in the game. Suitable for those who want to fill all garages on the default map with drivers, or who use big combo mod maps. Edited AI drivers by Av_Mark. This is the version for American Truck Simulator, another version was released for ETS2.

IMPORTANT recommendations for use:
- Enter the following launch options of game: -unlimitedlog -mm_pool_size XXXXX -mm_max_resource_size 80 -mm_max_tmp_buffers_size 1000 (XXXXX – half the amount of RAM on a computer: if you have 8 GB, enter 4096, 16 GB – 8192, 32 GB – 16384, etc.). Set launch options in Steam: Properties of game -> General -> Launch Options; in the Shortcut Properties on your computer: Shortcut tab, Target field, enter one space after the existing text, then enter the launch options.
- Instead of English (UK) language in the game settings, select English (US). The mod does not work with British English language.
- Do not use third-party utilities to hire drivers, hire drivers exclusively through the game interface, as intended by the developers.

Bugs present in beta version of mod:
- When selecting the English (UK) language, drivers are not displayed or are displayed incorrectly.
- If you have one of the new AI drivers selected as your profile photo, a pink square is displayed instead of the photo in the main menu when entering the game. However, the photo is displayed correctly in the game. If you use an avatar from World of Trucks or a photo of the default AI driver, they will display correctly everywhere.

If you know how to fix existing bugs, or found errors in the mod that were not listed, write to the author: [email protected], If we can fix the existing errors, the mod will be released from beta.

Place the downloaded file in My Documents -> American Truck Simulator -> mod, connect in the Mod Manager above the other mods.
Game version – 1.51, 1.52, 1.53+

Distribution is permitted, please keep the original link.
Thank the author for the mod (voluntary donation):
Yoomoney: 4100118857700544

SNEVNB, Daria Kinkot, Av_Mark


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