ABCO Transportation Skin


ABCO Transportation, Inc. is an American transportation company that specializes in highly perishable products as well as non-hazardous items. ABCO Transportation serves the lower 48 states Headquarters: Dade City, Florida,Founded: 1993 the truck supplied by Volvo VNL 670 for ATS v1.3 by Aradeth

Author: Fidiuss

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6 thoughts on “ABCO Transportation Skin

  1. Very nice as usually! If you have the time to make that same skin for viper’s 389 with the d.o.t. thanks again.

    1. Hi Andre thanks and Yeh I can do that for you later tonight when I am home from work just keep an eye out for it….and I’ll add the dot also…..

  2. One more question for you . Do you also skin trailers?

    1. at the moment only in ETS2 so if thats what you want then yeh, i dont have the available software for ATS but soon as i do i will be skinning trailers for ATS

  3. I have the wabash trailers with alot of skins but one thing i noticed the werner skin blue was the wrong color. I would like that skin to be the correct werner blue.

  4. just noticed i put the peterbilt and volvo together ….my bad ! :)

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