Follow latest update’s on Facebook page:
Uploading to other host or site is not allowed! (Only with permission)
Editing on this map mod is ONLY for personal use (Not allowed to upload your edited version)
If is see someone that does this he will be warned, and second time i see it the map won’t be uploaded anymore, update’s and news is then only available in private group on facebook!
Thanks for downloading the map.
Map Maker: Rob Viguurs.
Changelog: Moved the whole map to make it compactible with Arizona, USE NO MODULE version to use this map with other maps mods.(new cities and more roads are coming!)
Map with module = realistic time and km but not compactible with other maps.
Map with no module = no time and km realism change but compactible with other maps and you can drive on last profile.
Installation instructions:
Step 1: read this readme carefully.
Step 2: Put USA offroad alaska map v1.7 by Rob Viguurs in your documents -> American truck simulator -> mods.
Step 3: Start the game and make NEW profile!
Step 4: Activate the mod.
Step 5: Select the game MODULE ”USA offroad road” (if you don’t select the game module the map won’t work) (The game module is located in the bodum of your screen when you select your truck and name enz…)
Step 6: Play the game.
Extra!: Activate the economy mod v0.3 it is ONLY for with module!
if you use this with NO MODULE version you will get very short delivery’s but overprice. It is only suited for MODULE version.
THE ECONOMY MOD IS OPTINAL so it is not needed to run the mod map mod.
Installation instructions NO MODULE:
Step 1: read this readme carefully.
Step 2: Put USA offroad alaska map v1.7 by Rob Viguurs in your documents -> American truck simulator -> mods.
Step 3: Start the game.
Step 4: Activate the mod.
Step 5: play the game.
For more info, help or contact me: ”Facebook: Rob Viguurs” ”Gmail: [email protected]”
Happy trucking.
Author: Map maker: Rob Viguurs.
Thank you for this extension, great distances in perspective with Arizona .
Patrick .
Yes but the game crash, I can’t to install mod. I hope to get there because it is beautiful work.
Bonsoir Patrick
il ni a pas de fichier SCS comment faire merci de ta réponse
when i take a job game crash : my maps mode –
1.mexuscan 1.8.1
2.C2C 1.7.2
3.USA Offroad .
all the roads are connected but i can’t take a job.
My game crash I made a new profile only ur mod activated using ur no module version.please fix it
-> Rob Verguurs:
can you please just upload the Alaskan part? so that you can choose if you want the whole map or just a part of it.
Je n’ai pas de solutions je pensais que ça fonctionnerait et me réjouissais un peu à l’avance de cette belle map.
Je pense que Rob va nous arranger cela, éventuellement avec l’Alaska seule et un tronçon à risques dans le désert.
En Anglais:
I have no solutions I thought it worked and reéjouissais me a little in advance of this beautiful map .
I think Robert will fix it we possibly with only Alaska and risk section in désert.
baixei o mapa duas vez mais não aparece na escala dos mod e colocado no Documentos mod mais não esta aparecendo ??
It is unfortunate , but the game is broken when installing mod … I tried all the options did not help …
” 00 : 01 : 02.213: Game state load failed Game state will be restored from the initial save..
00 : 01 : 02.310: Missing permanent company data (company.permanent.tid_mkt)!
00 : 01 : 02.310: Missing permanent company data (company.permanent.tid_mkt)!
00:01:02.314 : Economy reset – company mismatch
00:01:02.334 : Road network navigation caching started.”
есть решение проблемы?
not scs file fake map
I have tried this mod using the (No Module) folder—
but this breaks Arizona & British Columbia maps
I tried the folder with the module & a new profile–
this makes the game crash when U try to open the Job offer board.
I can’t figure out what i’m doing wrong.
I’m putting the whole folder in my MOD folder once I extract it.
there are 2 main folders–one with a module & one with out–tried
each .
It works not!!
only my whole log with errors full!!
unable to find roads error!
unable to find prefab error!
Map is on top, just ###### not working.
No work in v1.3 :( :( :(
mod works in v1.3? version does not work.
LOL… 20 minutes)))
hey guys, on the facebook link for this map he said he will no longer be updating it and is done with it. apparently the update completely ruined it ( i think he just gave up) but this map is no more, unfortunately.
This map does not work, v1.5 v1.4 v1.3 which version this map works please?
doesn’t work. the game won’t start up.
hope update for latest version.