This mod changes backlight of Kenworth T680, Kenworth W900 and Peterbilt 579: slightly higher backlight level of all symbols, gauges and icons. Changed backlight colors for better visibility at night.
These changes affect dashboard, dashboard computer and gps. For every truck available 35 different backlight colors to choose from!
Backlight colors list:
Aqua (цвет морской воды)/ Aquamarine (аквамариновый)/ Azure (лазурный)/ Blue (синий)/ Burgundy (бордовый)/ Cyan (циан)/ Dark Blue (темно-голубой)/ Dark Green (темно-зеленый)/ Dark Orange (темно-оранжевый)/ Dark Red (темно-красный)/
Dark Yellow (темно-желтый)/ Deep Pink (глубокий розовый)/ Emerald (изумрудный)/ Gold (золотой)/ Green (зеленый)/ Grey Tea Green (цвет чая)/ Heliotrope (гелиотроп)/ Indigo (индиго)/ Jade (нефритовый)/ Light Blue (светло-голубой)/
Light Green (светло-зеленый)/ Light Orange (светло-оранжевый)/ Light Red (светло-красный)/ Light Yellow (светло-желтый)/ Magenta (маджента-фуксия)/ Ochre (охра)/ Orange (оранжевый)/ Red (красный)/ Red-Violet (фиолетово-красный)/
Salmon (лососевый)/ Terracota (терракотовый)/ Violet (фиолетовый)/ Violet-eggplant (фиолетово-баклажанный)/ White (белый)/ Yellow (желтый)
Mod tested on 1.1.x of ATS!
All my mods are free to download and will be distributed this way in the future too. Hovewer, If you appreciate what i`m doing and want to support my work, you can transfer any amount of money, using PayPal on this email: [email protected]
All donations are voluntarily! Every donation counts! Thank you!
Authors: AlexeyP, Roudou, SCS Software
Finnaly, you did it ! Good work man ! I wait for this stuffs for to much long time ! Thanks ! :)
How to activate?
Great Colors! Just needed to turn down backlight brightness and added a little something to the game!