Peterbilt 579 Keystone Western Skin

Keystone-Western-1 Keystone-Western-2

Here is the Keystone Western Skin for the ATS Peterbilt 579 Truck

For more skins which are free of charge pop along to my website

Can also contact me on the facebook page

Author: Pauly


7 thoughts on “Peterbilt 579 Keystone Western Skin

  1. BoyFromCarolina

    Now we can be like TruckerJosh

  2. 21 mb for a skin ?

  3. I requested that paintjob for that very reason…

  4. Is the truck file included in the download?

  5. How do you get it to work

  6. Diesel Weasel

    Does that skin come with a cab that stinks of dog so bad, that you can smell it while standing in line at Timmy’s? :D

  7. kaleb33497

    great skin, to bad its not for the 386

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