ATS mods / American Truck Simulator mods

Welcome! Here you find a lot of ATS / American Truck Simulator mods. All mods are free to download. Every mod is assigned to category, like trucks, trailers, skins, maps, tuning & parts, sounds, AI traffic and others. If you create mods you can send mod to us and we will share it. For help we kindly ask to use comments or write to our email.

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Mack Pinnacle updated to 1.38

The Mack Pinnacle updated to 1.38. This is one of my favorite mods; I’ve kept it updated ever since the author let it go, and I’ve added an accessory or two. Many have asked for copies and I’m happy to share. However, be advised that it’s an old mod and really needs an overhaul. It works fine for me so that’s all that really matters.
No window animation, but FMOD sounds are there. Thank you Robinicus for the awesome engine sounds.

Robinicus, KeithD


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