Mexico Map for ATS 1.29

experiment travel by the Mexican roads, can travel with the mexican landscape, in this mod there come Sinaloa , Baja california and DURANGO



18 thoughts on “Mexico Map for ATS 1.29

  1. Load Order? Cause my game crashes

    1. sneakyPete

      Mexico Extreme
      Mexico Map
      Models 01
      Models 02

      1. That order does not work.
        were you guessing? because I get to Mexico and as soon as I pass the road construction my game still crashed, I even put the skins pack on a lower priority then removed it my game still crashes
        Same for any run into Mexico as soon as I reach a point I crash, Its annoying driving in real life for a hour just to crash

  2. my game crashes once I drive in Mexico

  3. Copied map. You guys should be using Viva Mexico. Report this map at all costs.

    1. Tell me sir.
      if this is a copied map then I would think SCS would be able to access this site and delete it
      If your as smart as you think you are then why is it this will not fit in NM state? if this map is a copy it would need more space than NM provides for it

      1. Jeff Troc

        There‘s a difference between NEW Mexico and VIVA Mexico, you moron!

    2. I agree with you
      this s not a legit map
      I thin this guy had a arrangement were he gets cash per download
      17 comments 1 ad the gam worked
      this guy has not been on this site to delete this copied map or make the #### thing work
      I plan to email SCS about this and ask them to look into this guy, this was not done by a amateur. and if you doubt I can email Tech I got the address with the DVD

  4. Copied map. You guys should be using Viva Mexico. Report this map at ALL costs.

  5. why report , its a good map and works fine to me … good work

    1. The map is copied. Why support a stolen map? This is why people quit the modding community. Because people like you admire stolen work.

    2. What order are they in your mod manager?\I tried a lot of things and it still crashes

    3. Your download work fine does it?
      Look at the fist assclown there are places n the map with no roads to get to them lol!!
      or did you download give you a air crane?
      BTW I deleted my download.

  6. American Trucker

    I wouldn’t download this map period due to NOBODY EVEN LOOKED AT THE PICS and saw the first one has all the new cities BUT NO ROADS TO GET TO THEM!!! Just save yourself time and effort and don’t download this map, if you want a Mexico map, DOWNLOAD Viva Mexico and depending on what other maps you use, example…I use C2c, Canadream and Viva Mexico and the load order for these are1) Canadream 2) C2C 3) Viva Mexico 4) Model 1 5) Model 2 6) Mexico traffic(if you choose) 7) Mexico Cops(also if you use it)

    1. No good #### crashes as soon as you reach Mexico
      I admit I downloaded it to see if NM was was cities without roads, every run crashes as soon as you enter NM
      maybe someone was doing this for someone that cannot afford to buy it and will finish the mod later but I doubt it

  7. dannxander

    a alguien le pasa que esta haciendo una entrega y se desaparece la mercancia, el destino y se pierde el viaje

    1. Compra el juego, que está bastante barato y no te pasarán esas cosas….

  8. Does this map work with C2C and Cana Dream?

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