DC-Celadon Volvo VNL 670 Skin


Hey guys, DC-David here. I was cruising around tonight in the VNL 670 that was recently imported into ATS when I got an idea. I wondered if my old Celadon skin I made ETS2 would work in ATS. Sure enough it does! So I added in the mod manager information and uploaded for you guys to enjoy too. Happy truckin!

VNL 670 Skin – David Corley


2 thoughts on “DC-Celadon Volvo VNL 670 Skin

  1. Hi david—–james here, I am glad to see you loading your ETS2 trailers here. I think they blocked the impersonator of you. Does it seem that the info for the mod manager is what hold your mods from working on ATS? If so, hope to see more conversions in your retired state–but no rush !! They are so well done

    1. I’m not sure man, but I haven’t personally loaded any of my trailers here. Someone else has been trying to copy/paste my skins from ETS2 to ATS trailers. I only posted up my Celadon VNL skin here so far. My Beer Store VNL skin was rejected. Good thing my attempt at importing my Coors Light VNL failed! lol For some reason when I brought it into my ATS game it wouldnt show up. I couldnt figure out why so I scrapped it. All my other truck skins are Kenworth T800, but I read that truck conflicts with ATS now. Dang it. lol

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