ATS Realistic Brutal Weather V1.4 For ATS 1.36.x
Features & News In Realistic Brutal Weather V1.4 Version:
* Compatible To Work With ETS Game Version 1.36.x
* Compatible To Work With Majority Of Maps
* Realistic Thunder Sounds.
* Realistic Thunder Sounds Inside Cabin & Outside Cabin Of The Truck.
* Realistic Rain Drops/Windshield Effects.
* Realistic Rain
* Realistic Rain Effects
* Realistic Rain Sounds
* Realistic Water (E.g: Sea & Rivers etc)
* Rain Particles/Spray Wheels (Truck & AI Traffic)
* Different Types Of Weather
* Different Rain & Fog Intensity
* Updated for With ATS 1.36.x version
* New name old Realistic Rain & Fog & Thunder Sounds, is now called Realistic Brutal Weather
* New Several Types Of Rain Intensity (From Light Rain to Heavy Rain)
* Several Tweaks In The Weather & Fog & Rain
* Several Tweaks in the Sky-boxes Day/Night
* Tweaks Fog Intensity
* New Realistic Cloud Shadows
* New Realistic Road Reflections, Rain, Sun etc
IMPORTANT: Put This Realistic Brutal Weather mod In your Mods Folder and activate it In High Priority (Top).
SCS Mod Forum:
Plz Do not Re-upload in any other host site keep the original download link and if u post else where give the proper credits, Thanks.
BEWARE of re-uploads by other people without permission do not support/download from these people links, always check if the uploader is: Kass
NOTE: Video is from ETS 2, but there is no difference regarding the Weather, Rain, Fog and Thunder Sounds etc.
Installed according to instructions, however game crashes when starting game session. I had to remove. Will wait for more comments from community.
Where and how? what mods are you using?
Please for support & help etc use SCS Mod Forum:
Installed according to instructions, however, game crashes when starting game session, removed for now, will wait for more comments from the ATS community.
We have tested with C&C map and is working fine no crashes reported.
Create a new profile, just put Realistic Brutal Weather in it. Make your first delivery, go back to profiles and then you can add the map mods. Worked for me on MHA Pro, might work for C2C and other map mods, too.
Yes, game crashes also on a new profile, no other mods activated.
Have you tried using the mod manager, activating the mod before creating the profile like you do when using a standalone map? Maybe this works. I think Brutal Weather has some issues with already created profiles. Just a guess
No, that doesn’t work either. I have now completely uninstalled the game and reinstalled it. As soon as the or a game is to be loaded, this is not possible and I can only quit the game. The problem only affects the ATS. It runs in ETS2.
I have just released new version, and the crash should be fixed in this version.
Just let me know.
You guys can download here:
Will be posted here soon as they approve it. sometime later today hopefully
Works perfectly fine for me. Idk what others did wrong.
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