Search Results for: improved trains

Improved Trains v3.6.rev1.40 compatibility addon for mod Real Traffic Density and Ratio by Cip 1.40.b

Compatibility addon for use both mods together with each other:
Improved Trains and The Real Traffic Density and Ratio by Cip

addon should have high priority over both mods

for use only with versions 1.40.b and 3.6.rev1.40 (are not compatible with any older versions)

Cipinho, POWE®FULL™

DOWNLOAD 37 KB [mirror]

ProMods Canada addon 1.0.1 for Improved Trains mod v3.6.rev1.40

This addon improves trains from the New ProMods Canada map using the resources of the Improved Trains mod

This addon should be placed above all parts of the ProMods Canada map and above the Improved Trains mod and his long or short addons.

addons for long and short trains in no case should be higher than this addon, otherwise trains in Canada will not appear at all

Only the current version of the mod Improved trains 3.6.rev1.40 is supported.

thanks to the ProMods team for a great map.

ProMods Team, POWE®FULL™

DOWNLOAD 29 KB [mirror]

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