red_eye_og310 red_eye_og310 This user account status is Approved About About Comments Comments my man great job again but just need you to fix the 8 freeway especially over by where the old… On Project West v 1.2 – Yosemite National Park for whatever reason it won't work on my computer at all and ive tried everything and even the c2c 2.0… On CanaDream 2.1 @ Vegas I never said there were any changes from c2c On Realistic California Highways v1.1 The crazy part of all that is that I use to live in San Diego and all that area would… On Realistic California Highways v1.1 I had a San Diego Improvement map and it did the same thing to the map but only worse I… On Realistic California Highways v1.1 just the maps and a realistic environment 2.0 and thin in that order and i've looked to see 1st before… On Realistic California Highways v1.1 roads are super messed up once you pass Carlsbad south on the 5 with signs and barriers in the road… On Realistic California Highways v1.1 I was wondering if you can add a road that leads to both the best Buy locations with a gas… On Realistic California Highways v1.0 I Had to take the realistic Graphics off On Realistic California Highways v1.0 I fixed my glitchy problem but other than the minor stuff that everyone on here speaks of on here but… On Realistic California Highways v1.0 load more comments