couldbz couldbz This user account status is Approved About About Comments Comments Then that would tell you, they are indeed, NOT very good. ReneNate is known for jumbled error ridden messes. That's… On Mack B61 Custom 1.45/1.46 DL from sharemods shows error : "CRC failed : ai_traffic_pack_by_jazzycat_v13.7_ats.scs " DL from modsbase, is fine, can be unpacked no… On AI Traffic Pack by Jazzycat v13.7 I haven't played ATS in a bit, due to just not having much free time. Your train mods have almost… On Update patch ATS 1.43.1 for mod Improved Trains v3.8 Thank god for the longer distance. Always a nightmare with snow physics on, and suddenly mashing the brakes and ending… On DANIELS RANDOM EVENTS V1.3.2 1.43 Gabenz IS the official uploader. TF you talking about? "Workshop > gabenz88's Workshop - Municipal Police Traffic Pack" On MUNICIPAL POLICE TRAFFIC PACK V1.4 1.43 Thank you for continuing this masterpiece! On Long Trains addon (100 railcars up) for mod Improved trains 3.8 for ATS 1.42 It's really quite simple. He is profiting off of assets he has no ownership over, thats a crime. How do… On GREAT AMERICA v1.9 This will allow me to view the whole C2C map in the pause menu? On GPS RG PRO PURPLE FIX Coast to Coast 6,0 Thank you for making a new long rail addon! :D On Long Trains addon (up to 150 rail cars) for Improved Trains mod v3.6.rev1.40 I'm confused.. are these assets not belonging to SCS? How can you charge money for property that doesn't belong to… On GREAT AMERICA v1.8 load more comments