This mod work only on ATS 1.2
If you updating from older mod version (peterbilt 389 v1.12) you have to sell the truck in game before you update
to prevent game crash !!!
Peterbilt modified 1.13
added steam workshop support
separated cabs and chassis in truck model
added new cab chassis combinations
added 8×4 chassis with steer axle
added new 3 spoke 20″ retro steering wheel
added alcoa heavy duty front rims
added new nuts and hub cover
added new engines and transmissions
changed rims to new system for wheel customization
removed quickjob truck, as it making game chrashes, will be add later again
updated engine sounds
fixed some models
fixed some bugs
Forums thread:
Truck Credits:
Builder by Ivan (Haulin)
Import ATS/GTS and building : Kenworth58(2)
GTS import: Iljaxas
Parts : Ivan, Superman, Classick, Bayonett, Artic Wolf, Cedric, Peter379, Colonel, Dylan, Matt, Steve, Bora, Rowan, Sascha, Chris, maxx2504, Fabio Contier, Ventures87 (Wendi), RBR-DUK
Convert to ETS 2: “dmitry68”, “Stas556”
Sounds: Kriechbaum
Technical Support: Solutech
Modified by : maxx2504, ED101, Kriechbaum, V2obert, viper2
Thank you very much for this 389 update I’ve been waiting for
Hi Viper I love your truck but for some reason most of the paint jobs that i have painted will no longer show up in the paint shop, they are activated in mod manager.looks like all my work has been a waste of time, is there any reason why they would not work with 1.13 any help would be appreciated
internal names for chassis has been changed, if you’re skins are suitable for all, they should work i guess
sorry too small previews, remove or ….
you’ve done so many skins so you know what to do, just update your ets2studio :)
Hi Mike
I did notice about the name change, and i have updated ets2studio and my latest skin now works which is good, but it doesn’t explain how some of the other skins still work on 1.13 with the old chassis names.
Cheers for replying
Hi Mike
Ah right so all the paintjobs that are working are the one for all cabs, go it cheers again.
Dont good, always froze the game
can you please add exterior and interior autobot emblem options to it like they are in the movie
every time i try to drive this truck game crashes it even crashes on ETS2
every time i change the rear rims the game crashes!
every time i go to drive the truck, the game chrashes on me… why?
seems there may be more time needed in this update, i love this truck and i’ve always preferred it over the other three original trucks but it makes me sad that I cant even drive the truck because as soon as you get out of the dealer the game crashes
Did you all SELL your previous 389’s BEFORE activating this new one? That’s likely why you’re still crashing.
I have one problem.
If I use the short flat cab the view inside looks like the big high roof one.
Мод супер,но ### с двигателями и коробкой передач проблемы я сам работаю тракистом в Росии на Пите мой трак с грузом едет 130 ми/ч и у моего Пита 500 H/P исправь это а то как в детской игрушке! Я пробовал на DD 815 c коробкой max torqe 10 скоростей гавно редкое
please add the first classic interior out of the 379 i think it is love to see it in this truck again
I been running this fantastic truck since release day and it runs perfect in my game.
Thanks very much, it’s the only truck I drive in game.
same here
You should make a 359 version of this truck.
hey viper can you please do the same customization to the kenworth 900 as well please
hey viper can you bring back the 379 interior
magnifique merci
please adapt the version 1.3
hi master big project. viper and all. thanks all thinks.
You can add a variety of mini marker lights such as green or blue? . maybe under to neon? thanks for everything.
you guys prob dont have the right version… thats why you guys are crashing
you going to up date this mods