This update adds the remainder of the Northern States, with cities in each.
Post any issues at
Author: Mantrid
This update adds the remainder of the Northern States, with cities in each.
Post any issues at
Author: Mantrid
Thanks Mantrid for your hard work
Mantrid Thanks adding my home town in NewYork akk Rochester
Where is that truckstop?
Near the Iowa80 off I80 outside Des Moines Iowa
Map Glitch on I-40 @ Weigh Station in California
Карта отличная,автор продолжай работать над ней,не забрасывай…это самая лучшая модовая карта на данный момент!
и да…трак стапов больше надо,а ещё лучше заменить бы все дефолтные…
Where is the Pilot truck stop on the map?
The truck stop is on the I-80, West of Chicago
r there more of them? or is that it?
okay cool thx
Hi Mantrid, thanks for your great work, it’s great…
I found two glitches so far, Spokane and Billings workshops are unreachable… I will tell you if I find any other issue…
Thanks again…
I forgot, I wonder how to get to Canada and Mexico, no roads are connecting ….
Cheers … !!
Is that a proper truck stop I see? Can’t wait to try it out. Thanks.
General overview of what’s new:
my game crashes.
thk a lot for doing game dev jobs…….by finishing the game.Great Job Sir I love it
OK! I made it to Norfork, VA and all my mods are running!!! over 3000 and 2 jobs I love it! I think it’s solid!
The States I’ve been driving thropugh are as follows:
New Mexico
West Virgina
make sure the .scs file is in your mod folder then maybe that might help you then if the download file is already .scs just copy it to your mod folder then then it will be in there
its still not there
the game crashed when i driving from Stockton to San Raffael.
There is no street that i can drive
I found a tiny invisible wall on the side of the road at the north of Amarillo
Mantrid !!!!! I would like you to consider adding rest areas along major highways and visitor/welcome centers as you cross state lines in the future. You do very good work and its very much appreciated. I don’t know how hard it will be to do this “but adding weigh stations at state lines would be amazing as well. But those are just ideas
crashing, werthless
AMAZING!!!! please only ad more bad roads, bumps and jumps,sometimes is bored to drive always in a plain flawless condition asphalt surface…
Game won’t even load, crashed immediately with ‘Fatal Error’ message.
American Truck Simulator # Modvorstellung Coast to Coast Map 1.8 by Mantrid
test your sh.t man
Only problem for me was that I fell through the map at a drop off point and had to be “towed” to the nearest garage to reset my truck and trailer.
If you are having problems you need to be more specific. Saying the game crashes etc tells me nothing, therefore I can’t do anything about it.
I need to know what other mods you are using, exactly where you were and any errors from the game.log
Can you please put Winston-Salem And US-52.
Hi Mantrid.
Great Map, Thankyou.:) Is there anyway you vcan make a fix to be comaptible with the new MHA Pro Map 1.3.2 please?
Объясните мне пожалуйста, почему невозможно поменять номерные таблички для каждого штата на родные? В каждом штате, даже в Канаде сплошь и рядом Калифорния. При попытке замены вылезает красная надпись об ошибке закгрузки.
Пожалуйста, скажите как исправить без применения сторонних модов?
Я бы хотел видеть в каждом штате родные таблички, но не Калифорнию в каждом штате.
I can’t get this to work at all :(
I need more information, or I can’t help you.
Yes sorry Mantrid…I had 1.7.2, Mexuscan 1.8 working with version 1.3.1 of the game, but adding CtoC 1.8 just had everything crashing.
I tried removing other mods (only use your map mods) and different combinations, but nothing worked.
I did still have CtoC v1.2. on too because the other maps never seemed to work without it, but don’t know if I’m supposed to remove the old mods when adding new ones?
Update – I’ve removed all mods, and then added only CtoC 1.8 and the new Mexuscan 1.9…finally got it to load and so far have only bobtailed from Yellowknife to Fairbanks, but all seems good so far :)
i put this mod on and i load up and i fall though the ground
Hi Mantrid,
Thank You for the new update. As I was going east on 40 towards Albuquerque just as you come up on the Truck Stop in the passing lane I found a invisible wall doing 65 mph. Got lucky no damage to the load.
I don’t have a any jobs in the modded area? Am I missing a mod for it? Running most recent ats update, coast to coast, and mexuscan.
The game crashed for me right as I was getting to Boston, shortly after coming off the on ramp headed in.
Their is a Collision in the Spokane Repair Shop can’t exit/enter it… any hotfix for this?
after visiting the dealer for repairs in Spokane, the exit has blocked and can’t continue
Please fix it
Is this compatible with MHA 1.3?
Please could you consider placing more travel centers like shown in the screenshots in future updates.
There are internet sites like “” which give detailed information about real truck stop locations across America. For safety reasons in reality, most truckers park up overnight at truck stop parking areas. It would be good if the major truck stop centers have at least one.
Did anyone fall through the world between Fresno, CA & Tonopah, NV? I fell through on route 395.
dont know what map is this ….but is very borring……. the same forest and the same green land for hours….. AND ONE MORE THING…… I HATE HIGHWAYS…. if you make a map MAKE IT WITHOUT TO HURRY MAKE IT….. OK??? …..the map is borring…..
fix this map!!!!!
Reading all the issues and I haven’t seen one update to address any of them. Sorry if I missed it somewhere but I have been waiting for these to be addressed before I download.
good day , friend please would like you convert this mod for ETS2 , it would be very good to have this mod in ETS2
How nice it would be if it would start building roads through Mexico and Cuba . It would be very nice to get a ferry from the US to Cuba :) <3 <3 :)
Anyone notice that there are no speed limit signs anywhere? I’m not sure if that’s a bug in C2C or if MHAPro is doing it. I’m going to test. But if anyone else sees this but me let me know.
problems with map zoom … can coast to coast v1.8 not get as full america map … update
Please include mexucan map in pack and bring zoom fix if possible can bring in steam
i am having problems looking at the map it glitches and i cant look at the whole thing
I cant zoom out and see the hole map! How do you fix it.?
ne marche pas pas avec la 1.4
Same. I can’t see the whole map. I can still drive to areas but can’t see very much
Good work on the+map,+can’t+wait+to+play+it.+One+question,+the+line-up/orientation+of+the+roads+and+cities+don’t+match+up+to+the+Map,+Houston+is+in+the+middle+of+the+Atlantic+for+example.
My map won’t line up with the roads from the world map view and when selecting jobs.
(I.e. Outline/background of states is way off to the south west but roads or way off to the north) Ive tried rearranging mods with no luck. Any advice is helpful.
Mods: Coast to coast, real companies, low boy trailer pack, trailer pack by jazzy cat
Did u add The state of Maine to this Mod????
em qual versão do jogo esse mapa é compatível?
in which version of the game is this map compatible?