Klaas’ Real Gas Prices V1.1.3


All right reserved to Klaas . Please do not repost this mod.
Contact: [email protected]
Use contact adress for bugs or any suggestions.

– Gas prices adjustments (real prices from 11.06.2016)
+ California = ~2.81$/gallon
+ Nevada = ~2.70$/gallon
+ Arizona = ~2.48$/gallon


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4 thoughts on “Klaas’ Real Gas Prices V1.1.3

  1. Jesus man!! how about LOWERING the diesel prices instead of making them higher! why do you have have to stuff this game up by making it so hard!!

    1. How about read mod title? It says REAL. There was a time when this mod provided lower prices but now prices went up and they will continue. I don’t think that fuel prices are a problem with vanilla economy. (e.g. If you buy 100gallons from Arizona you pay 245$, but in California you pay 281$. >> ~40$ aren’t so important when you earn >20$/mile)

  2. Randy K Hudson

    Did you miss some key words in the Mods title ?

    “Real Gas Prices” ( by the way, Real means it mirrors real life)

    Theres other mods that makes it very easy, why come to this mod and complain cause the creator made it too real ?


      If he doesn’t like it give him Canadian prices at $4 dollars a gallon. LOL.

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